Wednesday, October 14, 2009

P E R C E P T I O N. . .

An apple. Have you ever reflected on it,that when looking at the apple you and your friend see two different apples? In the picture,beside,I can see red, round fresh fruit, and what about you?

Giving another example - if someone told children to draw a tree, I guarantee the pictures would not be the same, although they would appear the same topic.

That is just because of one magic word - perception. Perception, which involves our five senses(smell, taste,sight,hearing,touch) into communication with the world. But someone can ask,what it is exactly?? So...

Perception is a process by which people translate sensory impressions into a coherent and unified view of the world around them. Though necessarily based on incomplete and unverified(or unreliable ) information, perception is "the reality"and guides human behaviour in general. (Businness Dictionary,2009).


Immediate or intuitive recognition or apprecitation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight;intuition; discernment (Dictionary,2009).

This process can illustrate that picture...
It is only one word, but has a great meaning,especially for marketers...:) And someone can ask again why it has such meaning? Because by advertisement they might influence our senses and persuade us to buy a particular product, just a little trick,which enables make millions;)

Do You want to learn more??Check the links below ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing style :) Can I help you with loading linkas and pictures? For instance it would be good to have the definitions hyperlinked back to where you found them
